Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Twas' the Night Before Christmas - A song for Sandy Hook Elementary

 Twas' 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38,
when 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven's gate.
Their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air.
They could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there.
They were filled with such joy, they didn't know what to say.......
They remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day.
"Where are we?" asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse.
"This is heaven." declared a small boy.
"We're spending Christmas at God's house."
When what to their wondering eyes did appear,
but Jesus, their savior, the children gathered near.
He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same.
Then He opened His arms and He called them by name.
And in that moment was joy, that only heaven can bring.
Those children all flew into the arms of their King.
And as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace,
one small girl turned and looked at Jesus' face.
And as if He could read all the questions she had,
He gently whispered to her, "I'll take care of mom and dad."
Then He looked down on earth, the world far below
He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe.
Then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand,
"Let My power and presence re-enter this land!"
"May this country be delivered from the hands of fools"
"I'm taking back my nation. I'm taking back my schools!"
Then He and the children stood up without a sound;
"Come now my children, let me show you around."
Excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran;
All displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can.
And I heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight,
"In the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT."

Written by Cameo Smith, Mt. Wolf, PA


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Although our hearts are broken it is very comforting knowing they are in a much better place.

Anonymous said...

I believe this story/poem will be a great deal of comfort to all the Sandy Hook familys and the surviving children. It is a GREAT way to honor them all.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Very touching!

Anonymous said...

This was just read on Dr Phil so I looked it up. Just beautiful!

Anonymous said...

That is beautiful. Sounds just like my loving Jesus.

Dot Marie said...

So beautiful!

Unknown said...

I can't stop crying.....beautiful

Anonymous said...

Very moving!!! This brought tears to my eyes. My prayers are with those families and the comunity.

Anonymous said...

I heard this on Dr. Phil and it brought tears to my eyes again, but this time, in comfort.

Anonymous said...

amazing very beautiful

Anonymous said...

Very touching and brought me to tears..its a shame what our world has become how many innocent people have to get hurt before we realize change needs to come. The families in Sandy Hook have my heart and prayers. May God bless all.

Anonymous said...

the most amazing poem i've ever read. god bless you for re-writing this poem for the family's in sandy hook and for all that have been taken away from there love one's.

Anonymous said...

can u please email this to me bigflatgirl82@gmail.com

JP Nowikowski said...

Our Lord Jesus Christ. May we all walk with him while he Carries the 20 little ones...

Anonymous said...

Mary Sullivan December 19,2012

God Bless you, now all the Children know how comforting
Christmas will be for all that we lost that day.

Kim Lacy said...

The poem is such a heartfelt inspiration. God bless to all the families.

Anonymous said...

This is vbery beautiful brings tears to your eyes

Anonymous said...

such a wonderful way to help the small children begin to believe in good again

arl215 said...

Are you people kidding me,you know not everyone is christian,I hate to clue you people in but there were at least two jewish kids, and I for one am sick and tired of everyone always assuming the opposite. How can you go on about a silly poem of magical thinking, and exclude some of the kids involved. You should be ashamed of yourselves. This is not faith this is nonsense.

Anonymous said...

This was so touching..i cant stop crying. RIP beautiful babies..and RIP to the teachers and Principal who died trying to protect these precious and pure souls

Anonymous said...

I heard this on Dr. Phil I looked it up, saved it, sent it to others and I cried. I want to do something other then pray for those family they will need us long after this is. This help me and I know it will help them. Thanks for your kind words.

Anonymous said...

Arent you the lucky one to be living in a country where you can spew at a tragic moment as now.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much. It's absolutely beautiful! God bless the families, friends, and town.

Anonymous said...

Of course,it is magical thinking. God was not there for these children any more than the untold numbers of children of the Holocaust. But, this magical thinking helps some people get through it, and brings them comfort.
I'm a bit envious, myself,and unbeliever that I am, I am sure I will say the "Lord is my shepherd... on my death bed.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful & I shared it with our church family tonight...well said.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing and precious tribute to all the beautiful souls that were lost so senselessly that day. God bless and comfort all the families and friends of all of them as only he can

Anonymous said...

Beautiful just breaks my heart even more. God bless Sandy Hook

Anonymous said...

I heard this poem on doctor Phil today and could do nothing but cry your words are truly beautiful and the poem will carry on for a long time hopefully give those families peacr in this terrible time as well as the nation god bless you for your beautiful words

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

God blesses you for the comfort of your thoughts, words, and enlightening inspiration. Let us keep love in our hearts for the victims and pray to not be hateful about how or why this happened and also pray for the family of the shooter, for he was also a victim, although in a much different way.

Anonymous said...

Very touching and comforting. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

@arl215 aren't you just a bucket of sunshine! Jewish, Christian, Catholic doesn't matter this is absolutely beautiful and it's for comfort for the kids and families tI have a peace if mind in this absolute horrible tradgegy. If your not going to say anything nice then don't say it at all... it's people like you that take things to seriously... live Alilttle and may god bless you for your nasty words..

Unknown said...

Absolutely beautiful every time I read it I cry. ♥

Unknown said...

I can not put in to words just how comforting this beautiful piece is. The children have been in my mind's eye since the 14th but these words have brought a much prettier, loving picture of these babies now. I hope ever one affected by this reads or hears your words. Thank You!

Anonymous said...

You are a cruel person. If this brings comfort to anyone, who are to condemn? Whether or not you believe is irrevelant.

Anonymous said...

I also saw this on Dr. Phil and I could not keep the tears from streaming down my face as I looked over at my own child. Thank you for writing this. It brought comfort to me and hopefully will to the families at Sandy Hook. -Nancy Demmer, Austin, TX

Anonymous said...

These words are very comforting, thank you. To those of you who feel you need to use this forum to berate others, I will pray for you.

angela said...

How can anyone say anything negitive about this peom sorry jewish Boy this one isnt for you but for those 20 beautiful babies and there lost families....selfish

angela said...

I prey for you, how can you say anything negitive about a poem that os in honor of 20 beautiful babies that had there lives stole from them by a cruel man, like you...selfish...World dosent revolve around you and your believes

Anonymous said...

This is not only comforting to all the families in Sandy Hook it is comforting to all of us. We all know that God is love and that it is that love that will bring peace in the world. Together we must always pass it forward because the light will always guide us.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful.... Reading this poem makes me sad but
with yet a smile on my face. Thinking of them
being greeted by their maker wraped
in his arms.....safe.
Try a random act of kindness this Christmas... give alittle of yourself.

Bless Everyone Everywhere

Anonymous said...

This is so beautiful! When I heard it on Dr. Phil I had tears in my eyes. I am sorry if some people were offended or feel left out if they are not Chistians, but the point of this is poem is saying that these children are in a better place this Christmas (Would the athiests rather have the poem say that these children were gunned down and now no longer exist? I feel sorry for them, as they are living in a fallen, often cruel world and have no hope of anything beyond this. But you don't have to impose that belief on others and try to take away our faith and hope). God bless the author of this poem and for shining light and spreading God's message of good news in the wake of this horrible tradgedy. Let us all remember the true meaning of the season and give love and kindness to others (facebook.com/26acts)

Anonymous said...

We are all God's children. It doesn't matter what faith you are.
How can you say anything negative at a time like this.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful words of truth,they remind us there is hope in the midst of tragedy.

Unknown said...

profound beautiful and so true!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That was so touching as nothing can come close to the sorrow those parents,sisters,brothers,grand parents,aunts,uncles,friends,and everyone they knew and loved.

Loving Family in Connecticut said...

BEAUTIFULLY SAID... In this tragic time this poem has brought a lttle bit of comfort knowing and visualizing these beautiful children are experiencing such a beautiful, safe and loving place. Death is sad for the living. Our hearts go out to the families of all the beautiful people whos lives were tragically cut short on that day. NEVER FORGET.......

Anonymous said...

So sad! I can't believe it. I heard it in school, and I must get a chance to read it again. I love this poem; though it is sad.

Anonymous said...

You ought to be ashamed of yourself!!! All 20little babies were loved by parents ,siblings in fact the entire nation!! And if a Beautiful Poem soothes some of the horrific loss and pain of those left behind...SO BE IT!! And FYR. JESUS. Was a JEW!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This touched my heart and I hope it touches the hearts of all the families suffering thru this tragic day.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thinking that these beautiful little innocent babies are now angels iare what's keep ing their parents,siblings grandparents and other family and friends are helping them cope!!! I have 4 children and 5 grandchildren and I can't imagine losing them!! Their heartache will be forever but with friends and family staying close and remembering all the cute things ,they said and did will eventually turn from the bad thing that happened to All the good memories you shared with them!! As time goes on keep them alive in your home..the other siblings( in time.especially the younger children) will hear all sorts of stories But You will have already helped them that their brother or sister is in heaven with JESUS. And are all those family members that were waiting to greet them!!! We are grieving the loss here and it will be overwhelming for a long time.......BUT. Remember Your Babies Are praying for YOU and probably tearing up HEAVEN!!! GOD BLESS!!!

Anonymous said...

It's a touching poem, but slightly disrespectful to the Jewish children who were murdered.

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Anonymous said...

this is amazing .

Anonymous said...

tyla said dat above dis

annewalker said...

Awwww so touching.... twas the day before christmas... they're in heaven with angels... Can't help but feel so down thinking about what happened to Sandy hook angels. T_T

Anne Walker
Short Christmas poems

Anonymous said...

this is a beautiful tribute.

Unknown said...

Great poem you got there, well written. I hope you will keep on posting fantastic christmas poem and song.


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Anonymous said...

Artificial "sentiment" stemming from a fictitious event.

Hamza said...

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Anonymous said...

For some reason I saw Sandy Hook somewhere and decided to look up this poem. It still touched my soul just as it did more than 12 years or so ago. So beautiful

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